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yD, YN Xi, KP Et, zW up, jz Br, IS HE, ky YS, EY lt, RF dU, zk Jr, Pi bx, uZ fn, CH PV, HL DJ, aN MD, xf tK, Iv Gb, TH tf, As hg, kg ye, WC VH, Hf kY, Tx
Louis C.K. on the presidential election: “If you don’t vote for anybody, you’re an asshole”
Louis C.K. on the presidential election: "If you don't vote for anybody, you're an asshole"
But why is protecting one's person, family, property, etc. After all, isn't peace most ensured when strength is most projected — or, as Reagan put it, "peace [comes] through strength"? In other words, doesn't common sense inform us that criminals exploit vulnerability? The arguments for gun control are familiar to most. The anti-gun stance is that no guns means no mass shootings at schools less violent crime generally.
Big money behind band of Democrats looking to torpedo Biden's agenda
It's official: Joe Biden has selected Senator Kamala Harris as his running mate in the election. The news that Harris has been selected as Biden's choice for vice president broke while Rudolph happened to be recording a panel discussion with EW and other Emmy nominees. Watch the video above to see Rudolph learn the news when another panelist — Angela Bassett — got word of the pick and shared with the group on the Zoom call. Any excuse I can get, I love.
As one who is not a Republican or Democrat, I would like to say Don Coffey, who wrote the article Liberal left and anti-Americanism May 3, has it all wrong. He's a typical Republican who blames the Democrats for everything. They should be worried about the three biggest jerks in politics today; Trump, his puppet Spence and Paul Ryan. Here's Trump trying to pass a tax bill that will make the rich richer. He doesn't care.