So if sex becomes a little, um, imaginatively adventurous, and things go south fast, the best thing you can do is seek medical care when you need it. One Italian man probably wishes he heeded that advice. The year-old finally sought out emergency care after spending two days with a 3 x 2 inch glass drinking glass stuck in his rectum , according to BMJ Case Reports. Common objects retrieved include bottles, sex toys, and vegetables, among others.
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Soak Up the Fun
Man Uses Drinking Glass As Sex Toy, Gets It Stuck In His Rectum | Men’s Health
Of course, we expected some controversy from the very beginning. Having Kim Kardashian in any form in Paper , let alone posing nude, was likely to generate interest. Print, radio and TV jumped on the photos and reported the story with breathless excitement, feigning shock and awe. Tweets, likes, shares, comments, Instas and memes came surging forth, a torrent of butt-inspired commentary both delighted and outraged. But did we expect it to go global, to become a major story for two weeks running? Or for it to lead a Saturday Night Live segment and become an ongoing discussion on late-night talkshows?
Did a Man With a Bottle Up His Ass Inspire the Breakup of Yugoslavia?
AN Italian man had rear-ly close call after he shoved a drinking glass up his bum - which shattered inside him while he pleasured himself. The unnamed year-old inserted the fragile item into his own anus during a bizarre solo-sex act but got into a spot of trouble. When he tried to remove the 8cm by 6cm glass, it broke and left sharp pieces of glass inside him.
A sick clip shown on the page " glassass. A:Did u see the glass ass video. B:Yeah, it was sick. A:I liked it B: Weirdo.