The Gynaecomastia surgery or man boobs surgery , commonly referred to as male chest reduction surgery, is a procedure in which the fat and in some cases breast tissue in the male chest area, is broken down and removed. During puberty most teenage boys will develop fatty tissue around the chest or breast area, which for the majority of people usually subsides naturally within a year or so. For the remaining men, it can remain with them for the rest of their adult lives. The official term gynaecomastia is widely used by doctors and medical professionals, but the condition is also commonly referred to as man boobs. The severity of the condition varies with each individual. Breast reduction for men or man boob reduction is carried out through a small incision to break up the fat beneath the skin.
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Gynaecomastia Surgery
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The condition of swelling or enlargement of breast tissue among men or boys is called Gynecomastia. Popularly known as man boobs or moobs, it usually occurs due to the rise in male estrogen levels or an imbalance in testosterone levels. Also read: Benefits of black coffee for weight loss. Other than the reasons mentioned above, some food items can cause Gynecomastia.
Gynecomastia alert: Do's and don'ts before male breast reduction surgery
I always have and I probably always will. When I called Dr. The technical term for man boobs is gynecomastia. It can refer to excess fat, excess breast tissue, excess skin, or even prominent nipples and areolae. Adolescents can have prominent nipples that will go away with age.
Every finger in the gym pointed at my chest. I looked down at my tender lumps. Minutes before, all the real guys had been taking turns lifting up their shirts, comparing torsos. Then it came to me.