Teen girls smoking cigarettes

So why are people still lighting up? The answer, in a word, is addiction. Smoking is a hard habit to break because tobacco contains the very addictive chemical nicotine. As with heroin or other addictive drugs, the body and mind quickly get used to the nicotine in cigarettes. Soon, a person needs to have it just to feel normal.
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At what age do kids start smoking cigarettes?

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Cigarette smoking and kids: What age do they start? - CNN

The teenage girls are reportedly afraid of labour and believe a smaller baby weight will make childbirth less dangerous and painful. Teenagers in Australia are smoking in order to deliberately have smaller babies, research has found. A study has found that the girls, who are as young as 16, are actively trying to have smaller babies due to fears that their own young bodies will not be able to handle childbirth. Some who are already smokers are increasing their cigarette intake, while others who did not smoke before becoming pregnant are taking up the habit after conception. The surprising results have been recorded in a year national anthropological study into smoking in Australia, The New Zealand Herald reports.
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Studies show teenagers pick up habit from as early as 10 years old

Approximately 4. Among high school students, white teens are more likely to smoke than their black or Hispanic peers. Source: Johnston, L.
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Michael Joseph Blaha, M. Vaping and e-cigarettes are sometimes promoted as ways to help cigarette smokers quit. But what about the reverse? Can vaping lead to regular cigarette smoking later on?
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