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Women's sheer tights and pantyhose subtly cover legs and elevate style. Pulling on a pair of these still lets your skin peek through while giving you a little extra coverage. While traditional pantyhose offer classic coverage of the legs, new styles such as control top and thigh high give you a variety to consider. Depending on the event or your needs, you may prefer one style of hosiery to add the finishing touch to any outfit. Traditional nude colored pantyhose offer the classic coverage that has been popular for years.
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Every product is independently selected by obsessive editors. While some flight attendants and all Hooters waitresses are still required to wear flesh-toned pantyhose as part of their uniforms, almost every major American corporation has banished any mention of pantyhose from dress-code manuals. And there is one corner of the world where pantyhose are still very much de rigueur: Hollywood. The women I dress for TV shows, films, and commercials almost never go on camera with bare legs — they all want a smooth, sleek leg line; the kind you can only get with leg makeup or flesh-toned pantyhose.
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