Will my husband spank me

Oh, I had it coming. I truly did. Honestly, it was long overdue. But it was just so shocking.
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Is it normal my husband spanks me | Is It Normal? | sivas-yemekleri.com

From the front page of the Los Angeles Times 70 years ago today, Jan. The Iowa housewives who consider it a mark of esteem for their husbands to wield a disciplinary hairbrush once in a while, announced plans today for a junior auxiliary—Daughters of Spanking Parents. Any girl above the age of 11 years is eligible to join, Mrs. Rae wrote. Spanking creates a better understanding between parents and daughters. I have made comments here before about my husband spanking me. He still spanks me, although it varies.
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My husband spanks me

Ask Your Question today. I'm 25 and have been married a year. Shortly after our wedding my husband started giving me real spankings, he takes me into our bed room and takes my pants off and then bust my bottom, until i'm red. Sometimes he does it in the car or in the bathroom at church. So is it normal that my husband spanks me?
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Once a week, Daily Intelligencer takes a peek behind doors left slightly ajar. I awake to my alarm buzzing and Husband not in bed next to me. I watch Husband as he tries to get in a few minutes of quality time with Little.
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