Be sure to choose whether your search is for Jobs or Talent. If desired, you may may further narrow your search by Name, Location, or ID. The keyword search tool defaults to performing AND searches. This means that if you enter a phrase such as Chicago Dancer , then the search tool will return results that contain both the words Chicago and Dancer in any order. However, if you separate words with OR, then the search tool will return results that contain any of the words entered. If you enter a phrase in quotes, then it will return results that contain the words in the exact order they were entered.
Be sure to choose whether your search is for Jobs or Talent. If desired, you may may further narrow your search by Name, Location, or ID. The keyword search tool defaults to performing AND searches. This means that if you enter a phrase such as Chicago Dancer , then the search tool will return results that contain both the words Chicago and Dancer in any order. However, if you separate words with OR, then the search tool will return results that contain any of the words entered.
Hussie Models is a licensed and bonded adult models agency. Our adult modeling agents specialize in working with fresh faces who are new to the industry. We pride ourselves on our ability to guide new models in advancing their careers.