It takes place entirely within the scenic and historic Maple Ridge Neighborhood. Irving TX www. BOX We prefer the room to have a large screen TV or monitor that can be connected to a computer for program presenters, or a smooth white wall, or a wall where we can hang a sheet. Also, the basic menu should feature food that most people would enjoy, because not everyone likes every ethnic style. It will be here sooner that you think, 24 JUN
Kay County Amateur Radio Club - KCARC - Ponca City OK
Some riders registered for the road events. Marking its 10th anniversary this year, the Tulsa Tough serves, in part, as a public health-awareness campaign of Saint Francis Hospital. Road events range up to miles in a loop circuit that begins in the center of Tulsa and covers four counties in two different rides. Among other things, hams help to recover riders who are unable to complete the course.
Several classes are in the planning stage at this time. For more information contact Tom White at k5ehx arrl. Amateur Radio enthusiasts enjoy many activities such as contesting and experimenting with radio equipment. Radio Amateurs also have a serious side, and work with agencies like the Red Cross, Salvation Army, Skywarn and emergency management authorities.
The purpose of the net is to get new hams on the air and to share fun and useful information. What antennas have each of you BUILT that have worked well and what antennas have each of you built that did not. A philosophical question came up in a recent conversation and I thought it would be interesting to share it.