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Pink Grease were a six-piece rock group from Sheffield , England. Rex and even Kiss , the band's sound and style was often seen as glam rock while also being heavily influenced by such new wave artists like Duran Duran and punk rock artists like The Damned. Then in June they followed up with the full-length This Is For Real with similar praise and some moderate commercial success. Rory Lewarne now sings with White Witches , who describe themselves as "foppish Celts with glitter in their veins". They released their debut album, Heironymus Anonymous, in
Looking like iffy Marilyn Manson video extras and boasting a suitably sludge-punk soundtrack to fit, Pink Grease remain a confusing nouveau New Romantic bunch of richly haircutted spluttering strutters with fun enough yet ultimately innocuous deluges of inane tomfoolery 'Want some cream on it,' people? Thought not that dresses itself up as pop music. But it's too cluttered, messy to be that. As it stands, Pink Grease are anything but pop.