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Early evening, and the still-blistering heat of Palm Springs, California conspires with the cooling blue of an outdoor swimming pool. I consider downing my Martini, ripping off my dinner wear and diving in. An older gay gentleman with the right idea comes walking towards me, palm outstretched, smiling widely. He wears not a stitch of clothing, save for some elaborate-looking, vigorously-bobbing genital jewellery. I am, of course, unfazed. Indeed, any embarrassment about my own birthday suit evaporated shortly after I arrived. While trying to tan my backside, I crept further and further up my sun lounger to follow the rays and escape the shade I was too lazy to get up and move it.
James Deen porn company cited for failing to use condoms
The state Division of Occupational Safety and Health issued nine citations, including four for violations that offered a possibility of serious harm or death, according to an agency statement. Deen, 30, arguably is the biggest star in a profession that, until he burst upon the scene 10 years ago, saw its only marquee names belonging to women such as Jenna Jameson and Tori Black. He has also been one of the industry's most outspoken and articulate opponents of condoms in porn films.
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