Being a mother is a rewarding experience, but it can also feel like a difficult full-time job. Living a sober lifestyle after addiction treatment is also challenging. Being a sober mom who is working a program of recovery? Well, that can seem downright impossible at times.
We will develop and implem en t a com plete treatm en t plan. Digitales Projekthandbuch "lite" durch Projektauftrag. Schnell start en mit Excel-Import. Find Addiction Treatm en t C en ters. Along with the new name, the Flyers also announced a new logo featuring blue, black, and white, and
AA(Alcoholics Anonymous) Meetings in Costa Mesa CA
As dusk falls and fog wraps halos around the street lamps, the curtain goes up on the theater of the street. A school bus disgorges two dozen Christian evangelists, who sing hymns and proselytize the homeless emerging from the shadows of Civic Center buildings. Two of the churchmen lash together a wooden, seven-foot-high cross and prop it on the grass. The worker bees who populate the headquarters buildings of Orange County government and Santa Ana City Hall scurry homeward, their places taken by squads of janitors. Floyd is homeless and alcoholic.
What to Expect? Events Calendar. To access a meeting directory organized by day of the week or by time of day, use the menu above. Click here to obtain a printable version of this directory. Our program is based on the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.