Heavy mucous from anus

NCBI Bookshelf. We all have hemorrhoids. Together with a circular muscle called the anal sphincter, they help to control bowel movements. Some might be afraid of having a physical examination or finding out that they have a serious illness. But seeing a doctor about your symptoms is important if you want to have the right treatment.
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What causes mucus in stools?

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Mucus in stool: What does it mean?

The most common symptom of proctitis is tenesmus—an uncomfortable, frequent urge to have a bowel movement. Other symptoms of proctitis may include. If you are HIV -positive and have proctitis caused by genital herpes , your symptoms may be worse. Common STD infections that can cause proctitis include. Infections associated with foodborne illness , such as Salmonella , Shigella , and Campylobacter infections, can also cause proctitis.
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Mucus is a thick, jellylike substance. Your body primarily uses mucus to protect and lubricate your delicate tissues and organs. As well, mucus can protect against stomach acid or other potentially harmful fluids or irritants. The presence of mucus in stool is common. It may also appear white or yellow.
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Mucus in the body is natural and a very important part of how the body works. Tissues produce mucus to line and protect the mouth, nose, sinuses, throat, lungs, and gut. Most times, mucus is clear and thin. However, illness, diet, or environmental factors can sometimes increase mucus consistency. Mucus can even change in color.
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