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Ariel Castro, left, talks with his lawyer during a break in his trial on Aug. Credit: Getty Images. Ariel Castro's death in prison last month may not have been suicide, but the result of a taboo masturbation method gone wrong, according to reports Thursday. The convicted Cleveland kidnapper and rapist may have been practicing auto-erotic asphyxiation, a sexual fetish that involves restricting one's air supply to intensify orgasm. Castro admitted during his sentencing in August that he masturbated excessively.
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(Repost) Erotic Asphyxiation Gone Wrong | theYNC

Reprinted From Nerve. I have executed myself. Indeed, it was not murder, nor was it suicide. It was autoerotic asphyxia: a climax-intensifying chokehold, taken a step too far. Those who self-strangle do it in order to heighten orgasm by constricting the flow of blood to the brain during masturbation.
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How dangerous is auto-erotic asphyxiation? Dr. Emily Morse weighs in

A porcelain curtain rod? Similar allegations of falsified logs have been made against two other guards in the Aug. Published : October 11, What they fail to realize is the utter lack of control asphyxiation creates.
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Image via Flickr Commons. Erotic asphyxiation, or EA, is a sexual act that involves suffocation. You probably know that already.
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