Broken ankle cast

An ankle may break fracture during sports, a fall, or a car crash. Fractures can range from a small, hairline crack, to a bone or bones broken into two or more pieces. Your treatment depends on how bad the break is. Your doctor may have put your ankle in a splint or cast to allow it to heal or to keep it stable until you see another doctor. It may take weeks or months for your ankle to heal. You can help your ankle heal with some care at home.
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Ankle fracture - aftercare

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Cast Types and Maintenance Instructions

A broken ankle is also called a fractured ankle. It happens when one or more bones in the ankle joint break. You might hear the bone break at the time of injury. It may sound like a snapping or grinding noise. Other symptoms include:. A sprained ankle happens when ligaments tear or stretch. Ligaments are tough tissue that hold bones in place.
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Broken Ankle: Care Instructions

Back to Health A to Z. Get medical advice as soon as possible if you think you have broken your ankle. It may need treatment to heal properly. Do not worry if you do not know if your ankle is broken, dislocated or sprained.
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When surgery is needed, it may require metal pins, screws, or plates to hold the bones in place as the fracture heals. The hardware may be temporary or permanent. Without surgery, your ankle will be placed in a cast or splint for 4 to 8 weeks. The length of time you must wear a cast or splint depends on the type of fracture you have. Your cast or splint may be changed more than once, as your swelling goes down.
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