Aspasia was born in Miletus. At an early age, accompanied by another young girl, Thargelia, she went to Athens. Their beauty and talents soon won them distinction--Thargelia married a king of Thessaly, and Aspasia married Pericles, "more than a king," says Plutarch. Socrates valued her great mind, and even called himself one of her disciples. Plato speaks of her great reputation. She was born in the fifth century before Christ.
Greek women do not look like any European nation. They give a unique to this corner of the earth. The Greeks are represented as southerners with low growth, hot blood and typical Mediterranean appearance. The main thing they have are their eyes of bright turquoise color, resembling a sea wave in a clear sunny day. Regular figures reminding statues - that is the beauty of the Greeks. In contrast to Mediterranean neighbors, the Greeks are quieter, but only superficially. Greece is a country of heroes and gods, and the picturesque ruins of ancient statues abd olive trees.
When the British Museum opens its blockbuster exhibition of Greek sculpture this spring, curators believe visitors may have one burning question. While the neighbouring Egyptian and Assyrian galleries are filled with fully clothed gods and mortals, the ancient Greeks chose to depict the human body in its natural state. Elgin Marbles: British Museum loan 'an affront' to Greek people. What Angela Merkel will see at the British Museum. What painting naked women has taught me.
The history of nudity involves social attitudes to nudity in different cultures in history. It is not known when humans began wearing clothes, although there is some archaeological evidence to indicate that clothing may have become commonplace in human society around 72, years ago. Anthropologists believe that animal skins and vegetation were adapted into coverings as protection from cold, heat and rain, especially as humans migrated to new climates; alternatively, covering may have been invented first for other purposes, such as magic, decoration, cult, or prestige, and later found to be practical as well.