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The vagina is a fascinating body part—what it looks like , how it smells , even how it changes over time. Chances are, there are probably a lot of vagina facts that you don't know, so we tapped top experts to find out the most amazing—and important—things every woman should know about her vagina. Technically, if you're referring to any of stuff you can see—including the clitoris, urethra, the labia majora and minora outer and inner vaginal lips, respectively , and the pubis—the correct term is "vulva. While smaller in size than the penis, the clitoris actually has twice as many nerve endings—the clitoris has 8, nerve endings while the penis has just 4, It's the highest concentration of nerve endings in the entire human body. Like most organs, size and shapes vary, but an average clitoris is less than one centimeter in length.
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What Does a Vagina Taste Like?

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What Does a Vagina Taste Like? 12 Things to Know

By Isabelle Loynes and Anna Hodgekiss. A teenager has spoken of her 'total shock' at being told at the age of 17 she had no vagina. Jacqui Beck, 19, has MRKH, an rare syndrome which affects the reproductive system - meaning she has no womb, cervix or vaginal opening. She was only diagnosed after she went to her GP about back pain - and mentioned in passing that she hadn't started her periods. Shock: Jacqui Beck was told at the age of 17 she had no vagina. She was diagnosed with MRKH, an unusual syndrome which affects the reproductive system - meaning she has no womb, cervix or vaginal opening. Tests revealed her condition and that where her vagina should be, there is simply an ident, or 'dimple' - meaning she is unable to have sex or carry her own child.
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13 Things Your Vagina Secretly Wants to Tell You

And not only that, but you can actually change what your vagina tastes like? Diet can also play a part. If you find yourself questioning the balance of your pH, consult your gynecologist. This should be balanced by the natural bacteria aka lactobacilli, or lactic acid bacteria, according to the U.
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Home Sexual Health. The number-one mistake women make in the ob-gyn office: They call everything the vagina. Make sure you know the 15 everyday habits that can mess with your vaginal health. Seems excessive? Mid-cycle, secretion increases and is generally clear and stretchy think egg whites.
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