I am looking for around 8 people or so. It will be held Thursday Nov 28th Thanksgiving morning this year it will be back over at the Jacob building which is right behind the Visiting Nurses building. Read More. Most jobs are shadows.
All externally hosted sites will open in a new tab, if supported. Send your news article, event promotions, SK notices, information for the new and old ham alike. Kent will put it in his Newsletter. Deadline is the 10th of the month. Just e-mail Kent at kb0rwi arrl.
Forgot Password? Most e-mail reading programs provide some means of accessing the plain-text version if you want it. Here are some techniques to use:. When you open the e-mail, it will be in plain text without images. Other e-mail programs may be able to make a Mail Rule for e-mail received from the address memberlist www.
Note: The downloadable MP3 audio version is available at www. Amateur Radio Newsline report number with a release date of Friday, April 17, to follow in ,. The following is a QST. Find out right here on Amateur Radio Newsline report number coming your way right now. One of these is on 3 dot kHz from Tuapse on the northeast shore of the Black Sea.