Rectovaginal tears occur after sex toys insertion, rape, and accidents 1. They may cause severe life-threatening bleeding 2. Rectovaginal tears after consensual sexual intercourse, are extremely rare 3. In most cases, a sphincter trauma is present. We report a case with a two cm laceration to the posterior vaginal and anterior rectal wall, sparing the sphincters.
Error: This is required. Error: Not a valid value. Injuring the genitals can cause a lot of bleeding.
It is common to bleed after participating in some sexual activities that involve the vagina. These include being fingered, which is when another person inserts their fingers into the vagina. When a person becomes sexually aroused, the blood flow to the vagina increases. As a result, the person has a higher risk of bleeding from minor injuries, such as a scratch from a fingernail or irritation of the cervix. In this article, we look at some of the reasons why a person might bleed after being fingered.