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T ake a few seconds to think about this: is uncensored sex more or less acceptable with an English accent? The question was raised by something Sue Clark of the British Board of Film Classification said about Intimacy, a film destined, at least for a while, to be known as 'that film with the blow-job in it'. This is what Clark said: 'Audiences may be used to seeing explicit sex scenes in foreign language films, such as The Idiots, which is Danish, and the Japanese film Ai No Corrida [In the Realm of the Senses], but this is the first time many will see such scenes in an English-language movie. Given that a wave of sexually explicit films in English is coming our way - The Center of the World , Killing Me Softly, Better Than Sex and Intimacy, which is based on Hanif Kureishi's writings - the question is now relevant in a way it hasn't been since the Seventies. Could it be true that people were happier with mysterious foreigners having real sex on film?
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Joseph Fiennes is preparing to seduce his brother's lover, Francesca Annis, on a nightly basis. But it won't go any further than a kiss, he tells Nigel Farndale. It is, perhaps, a measure of Joseph Fiennes' dexterity as an actor that he somehow manages to be uninteresting about the inherently interesting subject of kissing Francesca Annis. Annis is the long-term partner of his elder and more famous brother Ralph. Fiennes plays George, an aspiring writer who seduces his landlady's divorced sister.
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