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The donation of semen for therapeutic insemination has been practiced in this country for many years resulting in the birth of thousands of infants each year. Its use has steadily increased during the last few years due, in part, to its increasing acceptance as a recognized medical procedure and by a decrease in the availability of infants for adoption. While not a medical indication for donor insemination, certainly single females or women in same-sex relationships may use TDI to become mothers as well. The decision to utilize donor sperm inseminations IUI is not an easy one. There are many factors that the couple will need to consider before this decision can be made. Possibly, the most difficult factor for the couple is the emotional acceptance of having a child with a different biological father than the husband.
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Donor Sperm Insemination - Male Infertility - LGBT Fertility - Single Women

Please note: TRM does not accept sperm donations. However, we do help our patients obtain and use donor sperm from third-party sources such as a sperm bank when needed for male infertility treatment. Donor sperm, or sperm from a known or anonymous male, has been used to assist reproduction for over a century. Donor sperm may be necessary when the male partner carries a genetic defect that he does not want to pass on to the child, or if a single woman desires to become pregnant without a partner.
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If you need donor sperm for artificial insemination, IUI, or other fertility treatments, online introductory services for sperm donors such as Co-parentMatch. Sperm banks let you purchase sperm instantly with a credit card, and have it shipped to a fertility clinic of your choice. Shipping of the sperm can be arranged, in most cases, the very next day and many sperm banks in the USA ship internationally. Some of the sperm banks listed in this section have active sperm donation programs enabling you to purchase sperm from healthy young men. Sperm donors go through a thorough screening process and the donors are asked about their personal and family health histories going back several generations.
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