Taking your own virginity

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Breaking the Hymen: 6 Facts and Myths About Virginity

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How Do I Lose My Virginity To Myself? | Slutty Girl Problems

The concept of female "virginity" has a complicated history, and has often been incorrectly linked to breaking the hymen. Bleeding after intercourse was thought to be proof of an unbroken hymen, and thus, proof that a woman had not had sex before. The reality, however, is that the state of your hymen has nothing to do with sexual activity. As for how to know if your hymen is broken, it's near impossible to see it for yourself. But let's back up and talk about what the hymen actually is. The hymen is a small, ragged membrane just inside the opening to the vagina review our vagina anatomy lesson here.
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I want to lose my virginity before I have sex.

There's no " cherry " that needs popping in your vagina. And virginity is a cultural idea or concept: it's not a physical state of anything. In other words, the bodies of "virgins" and the bodies of "non-virgins" are often impossible to tell the difference between.
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