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Video Results For: Tiffany Pollard Full Sex Tape (1,644)
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Recognize a pornstar in this video? Help make pornstars easier to find on Tube8 by telling us who is in this video. Sexy mature 2. College boys with girlfriends. Stacie Star teacher blowjob. Dont worry mom no one is around.
Tiffany 'New York' Pollard, aka the sassy American reality star with logic-defying cleavage, introduced herself as a star of Flavor Of Love, but it turns out she was also embroiled in a sex tape scandal. In , a grainy tape began to circulate online, allegedly showing Tiffany romping in a hotel room with a mystery man. The year-old insisted that the tape was a fake, saying: "I am way more creative than that. Do I strike you as the kind of woman who would have a sex tape floating around out there and not be standing by that tape? Miss Pollard then added that having a sex tape is basically a career boost, saying: "Look at Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian, they have sex tapes and it catapulted them into the limelight.
Newest Top Rated Most Viewed. Tiffany Pollard Full Sex Tape. She lived in Utica, New York with her parents. She has had over three different television shows that center around her and her life.