It can be very irritating but it is treatable. You could have a look at this topic on the Pregnancy, birth and baby website for more information. The information on this site should not be used as an alternative to professional care. This topic may use 'he' and 'she' in turn - please change to suit your child's sex.
Parenting and Child Health - Health Topics - Thrush - babies and breastfeeding
Back to Health A to Z. Neonatal herpes is a herpes infection in a young baby. The younger the baby, the more vulnerable they are to the harmful effects of infection. It's caused by the herpes simplex virus, a highly contagious virus that can cause cold sores and genital ulcers in adults. There's a risk the mother will have passed the infection on to her baby if she had a vaginal delivery. The herpes simplex virus can be passed to a baby through a cold sore if a person has a cold sore and kisses the baby.
A rash in your vaginal area can have many different causes, including contact dermatitis, an infection or autoimmune condition, and parasites. Treatment varies, depending on the cause of the rash. Home remedies may also relieve the symptoms. Usually, a vaginal rash will feel uncomfortable and itchy. Your symptoms may get worse if you scratch the area.
Many girls have painful urination due to a rash on the labia, often around the time they start wiping themselves after urinating. Prevention It is very important for girls and women to keep themselves clean to prevent irritation and urinary tract infections. This is very important after a bowel movement. Teach girls to wiggle the toilet paper up between labial skin folds.