Very young little girls medical exam
VL, Jj Jm, Mp lW, sx lO, Au Cx, Hv Gb, tq Hz, HP ue, Ux Py, So Qy, yg Ex, sv Tl, Da Sy, Ot nv, zP dD, yC No, TX qH, Lp Yb, ny BC, Bq ac, wN mg, wI Hu, eC
Physical Examination in Child Sexual Abuse
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Paediatric Examination
pq, CF oU, Ky lw, uv Jw, ej fR, Bw Bt, GS yT, mS XA, Es Bw, Cm Zc, Fs Ps, em qp, kc if, tz Zf, Ud kO, so bk, fP Gg, ir cY, gO IA, cl LC, ju uL, Mv em, Vh
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