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Irrumatio is a form of oral sex in which someone thrusts their penis into another person's mouth, often with the intention of inducing a gag reflex and forced vomiting, in contrast to fellatio where the penis is being actively orally excited by a fellator. The difference lies mainly in which party takes the active part. By extension, irrumation can also refer to the sexual technique of thrusting the penis between the thighs of a partner intercrural sex. In the ancient Roman sexual vocabulary , irrumatio is strictly a form of oral rape os impurum , in which a man forces his penis into someone else's mouth, inducing vomiting for sexual gratification. The act of irrumatio with forced vomiting has become increasingly prevalent in online pornography , and has turned into a well-known pattern in the sex entertainment industry, because of its shock effect and as a form of humiliation and degradation.

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No two penis owners like exactly the same things, and the best way of finding out what feels good to the lucky person you're going down on is to ask them. That said, certain fellatio frustrations arise more often than others — here are 10 common ones and what to do about them. You can't get the entire penis in your mouth. First of all, know that you don't have to. The trick is to use your hands: Use your mouth and tongue to focus on the head, and provide wetness. Use your hand on the shaft, to create pressure. Then, "you can allow your partner to thrust intensely — almost as though they're fucking your mouth — while being able to control how deep they're actually going.

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