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25 of the Best Lesbian Films of All Time

Lesbians and bisexuals are often left out of the film discourse but thanks to groundbreaking shows like The L Word paving the way, we're seeing more lesbian relationships represented in film and television. Whether it's lesbian romances, queer protagonists, action heroes or lesbians just generally living their damn lives we truly love to see it. Alas, the industry still has a loooong way to go, but the more lesbian-focused movies we stream the more the movie industry will give the people what they deserve. So, are you ready to see some lesbian-centric stories?! If your answer is yes, we've rounded up the best lesbian movies on Netflix. On a Friday night the two meet and sparks soon fly. The two become romantically involved and Jasmine tries to keep their tryst under wraps.
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After a slew of phone calls, secret blowjobs, and sex in the back of her car, in the now-infamous Florida middle school teacher Debra Lafave was arrested for having sexual relations with her year-old male student. It was shocking, but the media didn't focus on the details of her affair. Instead, they honed in on something else: her past as a bikini model and her all-American good looks.
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Made with FlippingBook. GLR Review March-April anthropologist and contributed to the development of sex and gender studies. Professor Newton was living a partly authentic life but hiding her sexual orientation behind her feminism. Con- flicted and confused, she plunged into a passionate love affair with a French woman and moved to Paris. Newton does not hide anything from herself or her readers.
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