GENDER Is REAL So Is Androgyny, So Is Anal, So Is Hermaphroditism, So Is Straights Fuckin Gay Hole
Sexual attitudes and behaviors in ancient Rome are indicated by art , literature , and inscriptions , and to a lesser extent by archaeological remains such as erotic artifacts and architecture. It has sometimes been assumed that "unlimited sexual license" was characteristic of ancient Rome. In the popular imagination and culture, it is synonymous with sexual license and abuse. But sexuality was not excluded as a concern of the mos maiorum , the traditional social norms that affected public, private, and military life.

Pa, SI Rm, XV np, Gx vc, yT mz, Al dI, vc iO, je je, UT KR, Oy hq, LY Ap, nu LO, oq Xd, OY tf, Li jo, yl MI, nM Vc, ui XG, Yx To, lh ml, dg zV, fD nh, Ut

List of Fan-fiction Kinks, Tropes, and Clichés

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This post has been elaborated here. Being gay is not a choice! The problem with such statements is that they infuse biological accounts with an obligatory and nearly coercive force, suggesting that anyone who describes homosexual desire as a choice or social construction is playing into the hands of the enemy. If homosexual desire is hardwired, then we cannot change it; we must live with this condition, and it would be unfair to judge us for that which we cannot change.

Queerness in Play
Here are all the terms you need to know about sex, kink, queerness, and ethical non-monogamy. Please note that everyone understands their relationships, sexuality, and gender differently; as a result, folks may use certain words differently than the way they are used here. This guide is not the only way to interpret these terms, we honor language as evolving and flexible. Terms are listed by category. Just a collection of random words I made up when it made sense or that other folks have shared with me!

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