Teasing My Chest In The Shower
- Category: Petite
- Tags: Teasing+My+Chest+In+The+Shower
We stood under the shower together, your arms are wrapped around my waist, so it means that my back is pressed against your chest. From behind. I felt your strong and firm hands smothering my bare back with body wash, your thumb massaging my slightly tensed muscles. I licked my lips as I felt sloppy and wet kisses along the back of my neck and up behind my earlobe. If there was one thing I always looked forward to in the evening… it was these showers we shared every night.

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Your stepsister knew what she was doing…

A Good Shower - SemiParenthesis - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
Note: You can change font size, font face, and turn on dark mode by clicking the "A" icon tab in the Story Info Box. Please consider leaving feedback on issues you experience or suggest improvements. I woke slowly, vaguely aware of two bodies on either side of me, although, I soon became acutely aware of the one that lay more on top of me than beside me. I felt your breath on my shoulder, and your dick against my hip.

October 18, 5 min read. You went back to the auto part store while I continued to work on your brakes. I waited on your porch for it to stop.

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Very interesting idea
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